The services that we offer you at Northside Strata
Below is a brief list of what we do, these duties include (but are not limited to):
- Maintain the trust account and common seal
- Maintain all the accounting records
- Safely store ALL records and accounts for a minimum of 7 years
- Provide easy access to ALL stored records and accounts
- Prepare and present annual financial budgets and statements
- Provide experience in handling ‘difficult’ or complex strata issues
- Ensure the scheme complies fully with all Fire Safety regulations, in accordance with the Regulations the schemes was built to
- Ensure the scheme complies with all the Work, Health & Safety (WHS) Regulations
- Ensure the scheme complies with all other strata laws
- Administer the scheme in conformity with the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 and the Regulations 2016
- Maintain the strata roll and the levy register
- Maintain the key register and all the keys
- Issue levy notices
- Collect and deposit levy contributions
- Monitor levy arrears and liaise with owners to recover payments
- Liaise with strata specialist lawyers to take legal action on levy defaulters (as required)
- Arrange quotations for all services and remedial works
- Prepare, implement and co-ordinate a Preventative Maintenance Program for the scheme, once agreed to by Strata Committee
- Organise and co-ordinate repairs and maintenance of common property
- Check background qualifications and insurance cover of all tradespeople and specialists before they are engaged by the Owners Corporation
- Monitor and maintain all tradespeople and specialists on the ‘preferred’ list
- Process and pay invoices for work carried out on behalf of the Owners Corporation, following the approval of the Strata Committee
- Prepare Agendas, Notices and Minutes of any Committee meeting or General Meeting convened by the Strata Committee
- Prepare Agendas, Notices and Minutes of the Annual General Meeting